October 24, 2014 – January 2015
MKM Museum Küppersmühle for Modern Art

With Barbara Klemm and Stefan Moses, the Foundation for Art and Culture is showcasing theworks of two acclaimed photographers in the MKM Museum Küppersmühle, who over the past decades have – each in their own distinct fashion – chronicled political and current eventsand life in Germany and elsewhere with their camera. For forty years Barbara Klemm (*1939) travelled the world’s continents for the distinguished German daily the “Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung”, which she helped to shape with her photographs. By virtue of his reportages for the weekly German news magazine “Stern”, Stefan Moses (*1928) has found a keen resonance with a broad audience. Distinguishing both artists is the intense focus they place on the individual. On show in the MKM are some 200 of their works.
Whilst on her assignments, Barbara Klemm consistently demonstrated her unerring ability to distil an entire story into one single shot – with a virtually unparalleled intensity and clarity. The overwhelming majority of her photographs depict people and the lives they lead. Eschewing any hint of sensationalism, her images appear so natural and unobtrusive that one is frequently left wondering how she succeeds in remaining so inconspicuous with her camera. Lying at the heart of this exhibition in Duisburg is an extensive series of artists’ portraits, including several artists whose works are represented in the Ströher Collection in the MKM: Joseph Beuys, Ulrich Erben, Candida Höfer, Anselm Kiefer, Imi Knoebel, Gerhard Richter, Emil Schumacher und Walter Stöhrer. This is augmented by a further group of works featuring
“People in Museums” and “Art Works”.
Stefan Moses’ enduring theme over the past half a century has been Germany and the German people. His striking series on emigrants comprises over 100 portraits of prominent figures who were forced to flee their native country in 1933 to escape the terror of the National Socialist regime. This series of works is complemented by photos of people captured either shortly before or after the fall of the Wall on his several journeys through the former GDR. Frequently shot in front of a grey cloth, these studies of individuals and groups of people are juxtaposed with snap shots taken by Stefan Moses – almost in passing, as it were: Slogans daubed on walls, overpainted posters and signposts, or the direct statements of ordinary citizens who experienced both the demise of an historic era and the dawning of a new future.
Credits: Klemm/Moses, MKM 2014 © Stiftung für Kunst und Kultur e.V., Photo: Georg Lukas