Luther and the Avant-garde:
Public appeal by the artist Luise Schröder to all residents of Wittenberg
Which distinguished female figures from the city of Wittenberg should be commemorated on the possible 101 memorial plaques?
As part of the preparations for the exhibition „Luther and the Avantgarde“, which is being staged from May 19 to September 17, 2017 in the Old Prison, in the Lutherstadt Wittenberg, Luise Schröder is conducting artistic research into Wittenberg’s memorial plaques, which are among the city’s most well-known tourist attractions. Of the prominent figures commemorated on the current 100 memorial plaques, only two are women: Olga Gebauer, founder of the German Midwives Association and Friederike Caroline Neuber, actor, dramaturg and theatre director. A further plaque dedicated to Elisabeth von Meseritz, a church song poet, is scheduled to be re-mounted in 2017.
On this issue Luise Schröder would like to request both your support and opinions! Which distinguished female figure, who was either born or spent time in the city of Wittenberg, should be commemora – ted on the 101 possible plaques? Suitable candidates are women, both from the past to the present day, who, in your view, deserve to be honoured with a memorial plaque in the public space.
Please send your suggestions, including a brief explanation for your nomination, to the following email address by February 19, 2017: